That's my Room (womb)
That's my Room (womb)

Below are the first images of me. They were taken while I was in my first room also known as Mommy's womb. I look kind of 
funny but it's hard to look good when you are surrounded by water and stuff, not to mention partially developed. 


This is my first scan. I am the size of a walnut.
Everything seems to be fine but we still did not
know yet if I was a boy or a girl. 


In this scan I look a lot like a tadpole.
I am a few weeks old and everything
is normal. We will soon see my gender !


It's a boy ! This is starting to look more like
a person, but it is a bit weird ! I hope I turn
out cuter than this ! 

Alien ?
Alien ?
Definately starting to look like an alien.
Everything is looking normal, although I
am on the small side so Mommy has to
eat more (hurray).